
You can live twice than your expected age if you possess these simple yet weird habits.

If you care about your health but don’t want to deprive yourself of life’s pleasures, then we have good news: there is a scientifically proven way out! Our world’s cleverest minds have found unordinary yet pleasant habits that can help a person stay both healthy and happy. They may even help you have a longer life!

Gain tip is going to tell you about 10 of the most interesting ways to make your life better. Choose to implement the ones you like!

1. The best time for sleeping is from 10 P.M. to 6 A.M.

10 Simple yet Weird Habits That Can Help You Live Twice as Long

Chinese doctors have created a whole system that explains which organs restore at what time and why sleeping from 10 P.M. to 6 A.M. is better if you want to live longer.

For example, the immune system fights viruses and removes toxins from the body from 9 P.M. to 11 P.M. The liver restores actively from 11 P.M. to 1 A.M., and lungs get cleared from 3 A.M. to 5 A.M. That’s why we can have a slight cough at this time period. The bowels get cleaned closer to morning, from 5 A.M. to 7 A.M.

2. Ignore public opinion.

10 Simple yet Weird Habits That Can Help You Live Twice as Long

Scientists from the USA claim that spitting on a public opinion can help a person live longer. When we think about the reactions of the people around us, we are more restrained, less spontaneous and are nervous more often.

These nuances result in the fact that people become less happy. And as scientists have proved, an unhappy person lives a shorter life.

3. Take sun baths.

10 Simple yet Weird Habits That Can Help You Live Twice as Long

Sunlight provides us with vitamin D. Not only does it help fight depression which is often the reason for the appearance of numerous illnesses, but it also decreases the risk of diabetes.

In 2016, during major research, biochemists figured out that those people who were taking sunbaths for more than 1 hour a day were 67% less prone to develop any kind of cancer than those who didn’t spend as much time under the sun’s rays.

4. Brush your teeth less.

10 Simple yet Weird Habits That Can Help You Live Twice as Long

If you are one of those people who likes to take showers often, you may want to rethink things. The doctors from the Cranley Clinic in London proved that unsuitable soap in combination with hot water deprives our skin of its protective layer of oil. In the long run, this layer becomes dry and can’t protect the body as well. That’s why it’s worth taking a shower more rarely and carefully.

Dentists say similar things: brushing your teeth too often and using mouthwash can harm the enamel. This is especially true if you like to brush them right after a meal because many products make the enamel softer, making the teeth easier to damage.

5. Eat more tomatoes.

10 Simple yet Weird Habits That Can Help You Live Twice as Long

American scientists from Tufts University in Boston conducted research that took them 11 years to complete. They were comparing the health condition of 5,000 participants along with the food they consumed and came to the conclusion that one can decrease the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by 26% by including tomatoes in their diet.

According to specialists, it’s all because of an antioxidant contained in tomatoes called lycopene. It is the very thing that gives tomatoes their red color. That’s why adding a slice of tomato to your morning sandwich can bring you a lot of benefits.

6. Get rid of your alarm clock.

10 Simple yet Weird Habits That Can Help You Live Twice as Long

This is especially true if it rings loudly. Also, get rid of a kettle with a whistle, timers, alarms, and other noisemakers.

Japanese researchers claim that people, especially those who have high blood pressure, have a higher risk of getting a heart attack from an abrupt loud noise. Moreover, such sharp noises affect your nervous system negatively.

7. Eat bread crusts.

10 Simple yet Weird Habits That Can Help You Live Twice as Long

German biochemists from the Institute of Human Nutrition and Food Science in Kiel recommend eating bread crust. The crust’s antioxidants that prevent the development of colon cancer and cleanse the body are formed in bread during the baking process.

The chief of research, Thomas Hoffman says, ” We noticed that there are 8 times more antioxidants in a bread’s crust than in the rest of the loaf while studying the properties of bread. That’s why it’s the crust that gives more benefits to the health than the crumbs.”

8. Don’t touch cigarettes.

10 Simple yet Weird Habits That Can Help You Live Twice as Long

We all know that inhaling cigarette smoke is bad for our health. But the Center for Disease Control and Prevention claims that not only is it dangerous to be near a lit cigarette but touching it can be harmful as well. Why is that?

Because when growing tobacco, shoots actively absorb radioactive elements used in agriculture such as polonium-210, lead-210, and radium. And these elements stay inside the plant even after drying the leaves and as a result, are present in cigarettes. Though the doses are extremely small, they still can get into the human body through touch.

9. Dance!

10 Simple yet Weird Habits That Can Help You Live Twice as Long

Scientists from France say that learning to dance is the best way to prolong one’s lifespan. They have found that the best dance to help you have a long life is salsa. It makes the bones strong, improves the lung function and the blood system, and helps to cope with asthma. Any other active and joyful dancing will work too. The main thing is to keep moving and to stay in an uplifted mood.

10. Put on wet socks overnight.

Yes, you read that correctly — wet socks bring many benefits. Due to the contractions of blood vessels that appear when your feet start to cool down, all the good nutrients are sent to your tissues and organs. Our body needs these nutrients to stimulate circulation and fight most infections. Moreover, when your feet start to warm up again, the vessels start to dilate which makes toxins that got stuck in the tissue release into the bloodstream and leave the body.


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