
Here’s What Would Happen If Superheroes Had Babies (14 Illustrations)

People say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and we have to agree. But could it possibly fall any closer than this? The father’s genes most definitely won the womb wars in this artist’s imagination when he decided to illustrate the world’s most beloved comic book characters becoming dads.

Brazil-based artist Lucas Eduardo Nascimento, also known as Dragonarte to his 110k fans on Facebook and over 80k Instagram followers, drew a series of badass, yet adorable babies of superheroes and their first meetings with their fathers in the maternity ward. With the uncanny resemblance for all to see, these superbabies are already making their dads proud and our hearts melt.

We wish these mini versions of superheroes had their own sequel to the famous comics but it seems that Marvel and DC have yet to appreciate the creative potential of this illustrator.

Whether you are a fan of cute newborns or menacing superheroes, you will definitely enjoy these ‘father and son’ moments this artist has prepared for you.

Batman’s Baby

Batman's Baby


Spider-Man’s Baby

Spider-Man's Baby


Deadpool’s Baby

Deadpool's Baby


Robocop’s Baby

Robocop's Baby


Iron Man’s Baby

Iron Man's Baby


Chuck Norris’s Son

Chuck Norris’s Son


Flash’s Baby

Flash's Baby


Alien’s Baby

Alien's Baby


Hawk’s Baby

Hawk's Baby


Torch’s Baby

Torch's Baby


Martian’s Baby

Martian's Baby


Wolverine’s Baby

Wolverine's Baby


Aquaman’s Baby

Aquaman's Baby


Fantastic Baby

Fantastic Baby

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