On May 19, 1992, Mary Jo Buttafuoco was sh0t in the face by Amy Fisher, who was having a secret affair with Mary Jo’s husband, Joey Buttafuoco. The Long Island case made international headlines and was embedded in ’90s pop culture history.
Miraculously, Mary Jo survived the horr!fic sho0ting. However, she became deaf in one ear and her face was partially para|yzed and deformed. Her description of Amy Fisher helped cops identify and ar*est her.
Despite the backlash, Mary Jo remained loyal to Joey for years but ultimately filed for divorce in 2003.
With a bu||et still lodged in her brain and the right side of her face para|yzed, Mary Jo lost her ability to smile. Her self-esteem plummeted, and for years, she was terr!fied of seeing her reflection in the mirror. Not only did it remind her of the sho0ting, it also made her feel unattractive.
But Mary Jo, now 62 years old, has since undergone a stunning transformation. Dr. Babak Azizzadeh gave her a revolutionary surgical procedure to fix her facial nerves as well as a facelift.
Watch the video below to see what Mary Jo Buttafuoco looks like today, and please SHARE her harr0wing story with your friends on Facebook!