
Taliban feel ‘angry and betrayed‘ after America left so many inoperable helicopters

Ta|iban f!ghters have been left feeling ‘angry’ and ‘betrayed’ after discovering the US had disabled military helicopters and planes before their departure from Kabul.

US troops ‘demilitarised’ 73 aircraft before their departure this week according to the commander of the US evacuation mission, Gen. Frank McKenzie.

That left up to 48 aircraft in the hands of the terr0r group, although it was not known how many were operable.

But the Ta|iban had ‘expected the Americans to leave helicopters like this in one piece for their use’, according to an Al Jazeera reporter who toured the airport after the withdrawal.

She said: ‘When I said to them, “why do you think that the Americans would have left everything operational for you?” They said because we believe it is a national asset and we are the government now and this could have come to great use for us.’

She added: ‘They are disappointed, they are angry, they feel betrayed because all of this equipment is broken beyond repair.’

Footage shows US Army destroy their equipment before leaving Kabul

Taliban fighters have been left feeling 'angry' and 'betrayed' after discovering the US had disabled military helicopters and planes before their departure from Kabul. Pictured: a helicopter displaying a Taliban flag flies above supporters


Ta|iban fighters have been left feeling ‘angry’ and ‘betrayed’ after discovering the US had disabled military helicopters and planes before their departure from Kabul. Pictured: a helicopter displaying a Ta|iban flag flies above supporters

A Taliban member looks up next to a damaged helicopter at the airport in Kabul after the US withdrawal


A Ta|iban member looks up next to a damaged helicopter at the airport in Kabul after the US withdrawal

An A-29 attack plane is surrounded by kit left behind by western forces as they retreated from Kabul airport


An A-29 at*ack plane is surrounded by kit left behind by western forces as they retreated from Kabul airport

US troops 'demilitarised' 73 aircraft before their departure this week according to the commander of the US evacuation mission, Gen. Frank McKenzie


US troops ‘demilitarised’ 73 aircraft before their departure this week according to the commander of the US evacuation mission, Gen. Frank McKenzie

The Taliban are believed to have got hold of as many as 48 aircraft which the US and its allies were either unable to disable or fly overseas. This means that the terrorists have an air force which is greater in number than that of 10 Nato countries


The Ta|iban are believed to have got hold of as many as 48 aircraft which the US and its allies were either unable to disable or fly overseas. This means that the terrorists have an air force which is greater in number than that of 10 Nato countries

The Ta|iban are hoping to have the commercial side of the airport operational within days which could allow Afghans to fly out of the country on Visas.

Along with the aircraft, the US left up to 200 civilians, 70 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles and 27 Humvees in Afghanistan.

Bigi lives at an elite Calabasa, California neighborhood and attends Buckley School, a private school in Sherman Oaks, California.

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