
Can You Guess The Right Answer To This Wheel Of Fortune Puzzle? Chances Are, You Can’t. (Photo)

A “Wheel Of Fortune” puzzle had left people all over the world puzzled.
A photo was shared via Twitter on 19th May, getting more than 40,000 likes and 13,000 retweets by midday on the 26th of May.

Image Credit: N/A

Many have responded to the tweet with their own solutions, like “Suck it dork,” “Duck at work,” “Lick it fork,” “Pick at pork,” and even “Return to Zork.”

Image Credit: N/A

As people responded to the puzzle with their own solutions, it had caught the attention of more people as time went by.

The contestant on the show managed to solve the puzzle in just 1 minute and the solution was actually “back at work.”

Image Credit: N/A

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