She’d never seen anything like it.
#5 You might have to check your garden.
A stroll around the garden came as a rude shock to a Santa Fe, Argentina dweller Lujan Eroles, 46 who will never forget this encounter for the longest time. While she was on her stroll, she saw this rather bizarre looking creature which resembled a two-headed snake.
Her shriek alerted all her friends, none of whom had seen this serpent lookalike creature before. Describing it to be not more than 4 inches long and having a rough, scaly skin peculiar to a snake.
#4 Two headed snake?
Her shriek alerted all her friends, none of whom had seen this serpent lookalike creature before. Describing it to be not more than 4 inches long and having a rough, scaly skin peculiar to a snake.
#3 Internet Sensation.
Intrigued by this creature, Lujan shot a video and took it to Facebook in an attempt to establish its identity. It garnered around 5,000 shares and 4000 comments because of the never seen before attributes.
#2 You wouldn’t have guessed this.
After all that speculation turns out it was a caterpillar either belonging to the gaudy sphinx or an elephant hawk-moth category. Turns out the gaudy sphinx found in South and Central parts of America are an exotic species. For the reasons of protection, its larvae imitate snakes. Similarly, the elephant hawk-monk is seen in the British Isles and resembles an elephant’s trunk.
#1 The after math
After doing a substantial research on Google and public opinion, it was concluded that the bizarre creature was a caterpillar which would become a butterfly eventually. Its presence in the courtyard was because of the vines growing and it camouflaged to scare off the predators.