
9 Hilarious Prom Photos That Took The Spotlight

Prom pictures are supposed to be memorable and so, most of us try to look our best. We all want to become prom king and queen and we dress up as if it is our only chance to impress the world and to live our lives at the fullest. But sometimes, teens just lose their selves to the excitement and do weird stuff. Some of the weird stuff that the teens did was caught on camera which makes this compilation.

Such a sight!
Such a sight!

Teens usually dress to look gorgeous and this teenage boy is enjoying the sight he is getting, with all the excitement. But he doesn’t realize that he is going to be busted in the picture.
Poses for prom!
Poses for prom!

Couples are more excited for prom, and they tend to click couple pictures to become their best memory, This couple really did stand out the crowd while posing so differently.

Did they really want to match?
Did they really want to match?

The guy with a white suit, long hair is matching with all the girls in the picture who have the same hairdo. But he doesn’t seem to mind the matching hair, but the girls look like they are fed of him trying to copy them.
Candids are the best!
Candids are the best!

While everyone else is living the moment and the photographer is taking candid shots, the guy in the extreme right seems to notice the camera as he is confused about what is happening.

The guy’s look!
The guy's look!

It looks like this guy hit a jackpot! The chubby guy is posing as if he is in the James Bond movie and he knew he would get the girl all along! Face expression- “I told you, didn’t I?”
When you ask two girls out, and both say yes!
When you ask two girls out, and both say yes!

This guy is the real hero! Looks like 2 girls asked him out and he couldn’t say no, so he matched them both. This way, no one will go to prom alone!
When her girlfriend is third-wheeling on Prom
When her girlfriend is third-wheeling on Prom

This looks amazing! The look on the guy’s face, as if he is going to plan something cringy to get his girlfriend’s friend out of the picture.
The focus!
The focus!

We bet, the whole focus of the crowd would have been on her! Why did she choose to wear this revealing dress? Well, she got what she wanted! Attention!
Too much tan!
Too much tan!

Did she bathe in the sun too much to get that tan? Or did she use the spray tan a day before to look like she is baked? Either way, she ruined her own prom look!

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