
5 Comics About How Fun It Is to Become a Mom

When a woman becomes a mother, her whole life changes. Illustrator Ingebritt Ter Veld and blogger Corinne de Vries describe not only the happiest but also the funniest moments of pregnancy and the first days after it.

With their permission, we at Personal Gain have chosen the most interesting and touching comics.


5 Comics About How Fun It Is to Become a Mom

5 Comics About How Fun It Is to Become a Mom

5 Comics About How Fun It Is to Become a Mom


5 Comics About How Fun It Is to Become a Mom

5 Comics About How Fun It Is to Become a Mom

5 Comics About How Fun It Is to Become a Mom

5 Comics About How Fun It Is to Become a Mom


5 Comics About How Fun It Is to Become a Mom

5 Comics About How Fun It Is to Become a Mom

5 Comics About How Fun It Is to Become a Mom


5 Comics About How Fun It Is to Become a Mom

5 Comics About How Fun It Is to Become a Mom

5 Comics About How Fun It Is to Become a Mom


5 Comics About How Fun It Is to Become a Mom

Preview photo credit Ingebritt Ter Veld, Corinne de Vries

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