
16 People Who Changed Their Gender and Proved It’s Never Late to Do What Your Heart Says

While some people hesitate when it comes to whether they should try a new hairstyle or not, others dare to go for more radical changes in order to find their true selves. Changing gender is definitely a decision that requires a lot of thinking and weighing of all the pros and cons. Maybe that’s why those who can listen to what their heart says and go for this uneasy procedure, drum up so much admiration and respect.

We at Bright Side collected 15+ photos of people who have gone through hormonal therapy and showed off their new looks to the whole world.

“Male-to-female. 25 months. Transition after 30.”

16 People Who Changed Their Gender and Proved It’s Never Late to Do What Your Heart Says

© no-tears-left / reddit

“3 years, full-time today!”

16 People Who Changed Their Gender and Proved It’s Never Late to Do What Your Heart Says

© EricaGrace / reddit

“Hard to believe I used to look like the guy on the left!”

16 People Who Changed Their Gender and Proved It’s Never Late to Do What Your Heart Says

© Sqrrls / reddit

Transition after 63 is possible too.

16 People Who Changed Their Gender and Proved It’s Never Late to Do What Your Heart Says

© MelanieRT / reddit

“Starting a new life after one year and 4 months of hormonal therapy.”

16 People Who Changed Their Gender and Proved It’s Never Late to Do What Your Heart Says

© swearwolf- / reddit

“Still pretty wild to me that I used to look like that, ugh.”

16 People Who Changed Their Gender and Proved It’s Never Late to Do What Your Heart Says

© brynn2e89 / reddit

“1,002 days later. I have my rough moments, but things are really turning out well!”

16 People Who Changed Their Gender and Proved It’s Never Late to Do What Your Heart Says

© OPPanda18 / reddit

“2.5 years on hormonal therapy and 7 months post top surgery!”

16 People Who Changed Their Gender and Proved It’s Never Late to Do What Your Heart Says

© TransboyPrimmy / reddit

A 4-year transition

16 People Who Changed Their Gender and Proved It’s Never Late to Do What Your Heart Says

© Iyalei / reddit

“I couldn’t have imagined how wonderful it would all turn out.”

16 People Who Changed Their Gender and Proved It’s Never Late to Do What Your Heart Says

© Andersonianism / reddit

After 14 months of hormonal therapy

16 People Who Changed Their Gender and Proved It’s Never Late to Do What Your Heart Says

© chazcope / reddit

“From 32 to 35 with a few changes along the way”

16 People Who Changed Their Gender and Proved It’s Never Late to Do What Your Heart Says

© CallMeLyndsey / reddit

“I’d like to think I look a little different now. The last picture is me presenting myself for the first time, which was yesterday. It actually went okay… even if I was afraid the whole time.”

16 People Who Changed Their Gender and Proved It’s Never Late to Do What Your Heart Says

© CriteriaTooHard / reddit

“My biggest take away almost 3 years in is the realization that figuring all of this out takes a really long time.”

16 People Who Changed Their Gender and Proved It’s Never Late to Do What Your Heart Says

© wolvine9 / reddit

“Haven’t posted a timeline in forever, why not? (17 months HRT)”

16 People Who Changed Their Gender and Proved It’s Never Late to Do What Your Heart Says

© actuallyari / reddit

“A difference of one year”

16 People Who Changed Their Gender and Proved It’s Never Late to Do What Your Heart Says

© pohltergiest / reddit

Which of these transformations amazed you the most?


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