
20 People Who Were Lucky Enough to Meet Their Perfect Partner

For centuries, poets, philosophers, psychologists, artists, scientists, and ordinary people have tirelessly attempted to find out what love is. Why do some people make us feel good while others don’t? How do we choose each other? And finally, how can you really know if you’ll be happy with this person for the rest of your life?

At Bright Side, we believe that there are people in this world who managed to solve this puzzle because they’re really happy. And here are the heroes of our article.

“My girlfriend and I got each other the exact same gift for Christmas.”

20 People Who Were Lucky Enough to Meet Their Perfect Partner

© martinvarleite / Reddit

The main thing is meeting the right person who will support you in anything.

20 People Who Were Lucky Enough to Meet Their Perfect Partner

© Podslushano / Ideer

“My husband has taken pride in what he’s dubbed, ’Fresh Flower Friday’ and hasn’t missed a Friday in almost 6 years. But he had rotator cuff surgery yesterday.”

20 People Who Were Lucky Enough to Meet Their Perfect Partner

© seriphae / Reddit

“I found this on our whiteboard this morning and he must have written it with his non-dominant hand. It’s the best bouquet he’s ever given me.”

When you’re in love, you want to thank your loved one for each minute spent together.

20 People Who Were Lucky Enough to Meet Their Perfect Partner

© nikalaikina / Twitter

“My grandpa is in his nineties and has more hair than most people. Super handsome and happy with his girlfriend!”

20 People Who Were Lucky Enough to Meet Their Perfect Partner

© aKaake / Reddit

“My husband, who is not a Harry Potter fan himself, bought me the Hogwarts 3D puzzle and built it with me while watching all 8 movies.”

20 People Who Were Lucky Enough to Meet Their Perfect Partner

© NuclearCandy / Reddit

Even someone romantic in nature can be practical.

  • In 2003, I had a boss, Nick. We had a free atmosphere in the office, so our friends who didn’t work with us could come over for tea or coffee. Maria was among them. Nick fell for her and began to show her signs of attention. Then they began to date. At the end of the first month of their love, Nick decided to give his girlfriend a nice gift and bought her a microwave. He explained his choice like this, “Now she’ll understand that I’m a serious man with plans for the future.”
    A couple of days later, Maria came over for tea. Nick wasn’t there, so she talked to a girl who was a manager. So I heard: “You know, he told me so many times how impressed I would be by his present. I thought he would give me something like a certificate for a parachute jump, a date on the roof, or a weekend trip. I even thought that it could be a ring. And then he handed me a microwave. I wonder why he didn’t change my toilet.” They’re still married and have 3 children. © vovkinsyn / Pikabu

“My wife said my beard looked nice today! She has seen it every day since 1972!”

20 People Who Were Lucky Enough to Meet Their Perfect Partner

© ddshroom / Reddit

A fig tree is also a flower, only a potted one.

  • My boyfriend gave me a potted fig tree to celebrate the day we met. I had hinted that I wanted to receive a potted flower. I almost burst into tears at that moment. Funnily enough, potted plants didn’t live long in our house, and this fig tree has been with us for 13 years and is still good. Now it’s a totem tree of our family. © steklyanka / Pikabu

“My girlfriend was in an abusive relationship with her youngest son’s dad. She had a collection of 26 porcelain dolls she’d been collecting since childhood. When she escaped with her kids, he smashed them all.”

20 People Who Were Lucky Enough to Meet Their Perfect Partner

© holocaustarriver / Reddit

“This Christmas, I got her a new start to a new collection. I love her!”

Sometimes, you need to run away from your own wedding to be happy.

  • I ran away from my own wedding. Not that I didn’t want to marry him, but when my future husband and 50 invited relatives were standing on the steps of the registry office, waiting for our turn, I saw a guy running in our direction whom I immediately recognized. He was my first love. We dated but broke up because he wasn’t ready to settle down. And now, after 5 years, he ran up to the steps, kneeled down, and shouted, “I love you, marry me!” I was stunned for a minute, then broke off and ran to him. The guests were shocked, the wedding was ruined, and no one understood anything. But we were the happiest people in the world, and later, we got married. I have no regrets. © Podslushano / Ideer

“I’ve never had a relationship last longer than 2 months. By the time I was almost 40, I gave up hope of ever finding ’the one.”’

20 People Who Were Lucky Enough to Meet Their Perfect Partner

© freeseasy / Reddit

“I was wrong. Last Friday, I proposed and she said yes! Never give up hope!”

The tweet that we want to like 100 times

20 People Who Were Lucky Enough to Meet Their Perfect Partner

© annonedomini / Twitter

“We found each other while mourning the ending of prior relationships. We talked, listened, and grew. It’s been 2 years of the vastest love I’ve ever experienced.”

20 People Who Were Lucky Enough to Meet Their Perfect Partner

© sabry1414 / Reddit

When distance isn’t a problem at all

  • I was 17 years old and went on a trip to Egypt with my mother. I fell for an Egyptian guy and we had this beach romance. Then I returned home, and we had regular conversations on Skype, like “I love you, I love you too, and so on.” Following an impulse, I began to study Arabic, learned to write, read, and later, speak. The following spring, he came to my city, and in the fall, I went to Egypt by myself. I transferred to their university and found a job. He proposed to me. We are happy, despite the fact that nobody believed in us. © Podslushano / Ideer

“I got up at 6 a.m. to work out for the first time in months. To help make it easier, my husband made me coffee and breakfast to-go, cleaned the kitchen, and walked the dog.”

20 People Who Were Lucky Enough to Meet Their Perfect Partner

© Krissie520 / Reddit

“He also put this tiny space heater in my bathroom so it’d be warm after my shower.”

This is how you care for a person who you love with all your heart.

20 People Who Were Lucky Enough to Meet Their Perfect Partner

© Keally22 / Twitter

“We have been married for 27 years today! We both bought heart cards and had a nice dinner at home.”

20 People Who Were Lucky Enough to Meet Their Perfect Partner

© rufusclark / Reddit

If you don’t know how to build a relationship with an introvert, then learn!

  • I’m an introvert. I often get tired of people, and I need some time to be alone. I started dating a girl. After some time, we began to live together in a studio apartment (we couldn’t afford a bigger one). Once when I came home, there was a surprise for me: my girlfriend had been making a cozy little room out of the pantry for several days so that I could be alone for a while, even when she was at home. I think we’ll get married soon. © Podslushano / Ideer

“After 3 years of a long-distance relationship, I finally said enough is enough and flew to the girl I love.”

20 People Who Were Lucky Enough to Meet Their Perfect Partner

© PilotSB / Reddit

Were you lucky enough to meet your perfect partner? Tell us in the comments below.

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