
LED Street lights Are Considered Brilliant. But They Are Very Dangerous. Checkout Why.

These LED lights are not as good as you think they are. Keep reading to know why…

#5 Night Life

#5 Night Life

Most of us want to visit cities like New York, Paris, Sydney, Mumbai etc particularly because of their night life. The discos and pubs in these cities are iconic and make the night life more exciting but there’s something else as well that glorifies the nights in these fantastic cities.

We are talking about the street lights in these places. Can you imagine any of these cities dark in the night? The essence of the life in the dark will be lost.

#4 Dangerous

#4 Dangerous

Just to make sure that the streets are perfectly lit, we’ve substituted our veteran Yellow street lights with white LED lights. LED lights are always promoted as the cooler and safer ones compared to the hot yellow lights.

The switch to long-lasting, efficient LED lighting also saves every town’s considerable funds on power and maintenance. But these lights are incredibly dangerous and can take away your vision as well.

Keep reading ahead to know how!


#3 The Harsh Lights

#3 The Harsh Lights

No one can challenge the fact that these LED lights change the appearance of the city and makes it look unbelievably pretty but at the same time, they even damage your eyes.

Several people exposed to the LED street lights have expressed their displeasure due to the harshness of the light.

#2 Colour Temperature

#2 Colour Temperature

The administration in the the city of Davis, California had to alter their plan of installing LED lights in the middle of the project because of the number of negative comments about the new bright lights for causing glare and hurting eyes.

It all depends on the colour temperature (CT). Every light gives out a CT. The effectiveness of the light depends on that.


#1 The Dangerous LED

#1 The Dangerous LED

Just to give you a reference, a candle gives off a CT of about 1800K, while an incandescent bulb has a CT of about 2400K. As far as a LED light is concerned, it gives off a CT of about 4000k.

Due to the high CT, these LED lights can even take away your vision from you. This is how dangerous these lights are!

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