
Daughter Returns Home From School Starved, Mom Learns Teacher Has Been Messing With Her Lunch

You send your child to school with lunch, so they have something to eat during the school day.

Leeza Pearson’s four-year-old daughter went to Children’s Academy in Aurora, Colorado with a homemade lunch every day.

And every day, Natalie would come home starving.

daughter lunch
Image Credit: N/A

Turns out that Natalie’s teacher felt that the Oreo cookies Leeza had packed were unacceptable and would take them away!

The teacher also sent home a note that informed the parents that it is important to pack nutritious lunches for the children that included a vegetable and fruit.

daughter lunch
Image Credit: Leeza Pearson

The letter went on to say that fruit snacks, chips, Lunchables, and peanut butter were not acceptable items.

While I agree that having a nutritious lunch is important – you also want your child to eat the food you pack, so they are not hungry during the day.

daughter lunch
Image Credit: Leeza Pearson

How much focus and memory does a four-year-old have if their stomach is rumbling?

What is the emotional impact on the child to have their food taken away? Is being hungry conducive to learning?

I don’t think so – and neither did Leeza.

daughter lunch
Image Credit: Leeza Pearson

Leeza said what she packs in Natalie’s lunch is her decision, not the schools. Yes, the school can make recommendations, but they shouldn’t be allowed to take food away from any child.

What do they do with the confiscated food? Throw it away? What lesson is the child to learn from that?!

daughter lunch
Image Credit: Leeza Pearson

School teachers are supposed to teach reading, writing, and math – not be food nazis.

Share away, people.

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