Sometimes employers can ask you to solve some brain teasers during an interview. This is how they can check your reaction, attentiveness, or logic. Even if the tests seem ridiculous there is always a reason why the interviewers ask these questions.
We like to solve brain teasers and riddles sometimes and want to share some with you, so you know the answer if you are asked them while in an interview.
1. A man was outside when it started to rain. He had no umbrella and he wasn’t wearing a hat. His clothes got soaked, yet not a single hair on his head got wet. How could this happen?
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2. A boy was rushed to the hospital emergency room. The doctor saw the boy and said, “I can’t operate. He is my son.” But the doctor was not the boy’s father. How could that be?
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3. What can you keep but can’t share? And once you share it, you can’t keep it anymore.
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4. Karen wants to reach an island that is in the middle of a pool. The island is 30 feet from the edge of the pool. She has 2 wooden planks that are both 29 feet long. How will Karen reach the island?
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5. What does this mean? “F AST”
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6. Find 4 words that are hidden in the picture and related to reading.
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7. Find 4 words that are hidden in the picture and related to winter.
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What brain teaser was the most difficult for you? Do you believe brain teasers can test your IQ level? Please, share your opinion with us!