KISS rock star Gene Simmons is not mincing words when it comes to those who remain unvaccinated against C0VID-19, calling them “an enemy.”
“If you’re willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy,” Simmons declared during an appearance on the Rock N Roll Channel on TalkShopLive.
“Stay away from evil people who don’t care about your health,” he said.
When host Steve Harkins said that the issue appears to be “pretty much black and white, [and] not a political game,” Simmons jumped back in.
“It has become political, unfortunately, the far left and the far right, are both evil. They both spread all kinds of nonsense,” Simmons said. “Politics are the enemy. Humanism and humanity is what we should all be concerned about. Love thy neighbor as thyself.”
Simmons also remarked during the program: “You are not allowed to !nfect anybody just because you think you’ve got rights, that are delusional of course. You don’t have the right to go through a red light. Actually the government has the right to tell you to stop.”
According to the Centers for D!sease Control and Prevention, 68.5% of the U.S. population (ages 12 and older) has been fully vaccinated against C0VID-19 and 79% of that population demographic has received at least one dose.
But many other Americans have chosen to forgo vaccination.
The 72-year-old Simmons said on Twitter that he took the Pfizer vaccination twice.
“I took Pfizer vaccine twice. I did get C0vid, but no side effects. The vaccine saved my life,” Simmons tweeted.