
Salvation Army goes woke with​ new anti-racist message, asks white donors to apologize for their ‘unconscious bias’

The Salvation Army — a massively popular Christian charity known for raising money through red collection boxes around the holidays — is now pushing “anti-racist” and critical race theory ideology onto donors.

What are the details?

This year, in addition to requesting monetary contribution towards the global mission, the organization is calling on donors to reckon with their deep-seated attitudes of racism, the National Review reports.

In a guidebook titled, “Let’s Talk About Racism,” the charity asks donors to consider the ways in which they have “consciously or unconsciously” supported prejudicial systems that inflict harm on racial minorities, adding that it “acknowledges with regret, that Salvationists have sometimes shared in the sins of racism and conformed to economic, organizational and social pressures that perpetuate racism.”



Elsewhere in the document, the charity calls on white donors to “lament, repent and apologize for biases or racist ideologies held and actions committed.”

Going forward, the Salvation Army says it hopes white donors will recognize their own contributions to racism and adopt “a posture of … anti-racism,” an ideological practice made popular by progressive author Ibram X. Kendi.


“In the absence of making anti-racist choices, we (un) consciously uphold aspects of White supremacy, White-dominant culture, and unequal institutions and society,” the document states.



What else?

The charity reiterates its viewpoints in another document created by the Salvation Army’s International Social Justice Commission, called the “Study Guide on Racism.”

In that document, the Salvation Army plainly claims that racism is obvious and evident in nearly all facets of western society, and argues, “We must stop denying the existence of individual and systemic/institutional racism. They exist, and are still at work to keep White Americans in power.”

White people are in fact guilty of “unconscious bias” and “unwittingly perpetuate racial division” even when they don’t demonstrate overtly racist behavior.

“For instance, devout Christians who naively use racial epithets or a well-intentioned Sunday School curriculum that only uses white photography and imagery,” the organization writes.

In the guide, the Salvation Army makes use of a litany of woke terms to articulate their message, including “anti-racist,” “colonizer,” “domestic terrorism,” “fascism,” “institutional racism,” “microaggressions,” “systemic racism,” and “whiteness.”

Anything else?

The organization’s support for progressive “anti-racist” teaching has drawn the ire from some of its conservative donors, according to Newsweek.

One of those former donors is Christian apologist and radio talk show host Greg Koukl, who reportedly called out the charity’s progressive drift in a Facebook post earlier this month.

“In my estimation, CRT is a Trojan horse taking in well-intentioned Christian enterprises that — because they care about justice and oppose oppression — naively promote the most serious threat to biblical Christianity I have seen in 50 years,” the Stand to Reason founder stated in the post.

The Daily Signal, too, slammed the organization last month for imposing “radical wokeness” among Christians.

In response to questions from Newsweek, however, a spokesperson for the Salvation Army denied that its position on addressing racism has changed.

“Our beliefs have always been rooted in scripture, and they still are. That includes our complete rejection of racism, which is in stark contrast to the biblical principle that we’re all created in the image of God. We believe that, as God loves us all, so we should all love one another,” the spokesperson said.

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