
40+ Photos That Will Make You Go “Omg, What?”

Panic! At the Disco

Whoa! We know that it’s important to wear reflective gear when you’re going to be out in areas where people’s vision is decreased, but this is a whole ‘nother level of safety and precaution.

Pan!c! At the Disco

Normally people just wear a yellow reflective vest or have a light on their helmet, but this rain set might actually be more of a dangerous distraction than anything. At least nobody can miss it!

But Do They Have a Noise Canceling Feature?

We’re not really sure how to explain the science behind this phenomenon, but can we just acknowledge that this is a pretty cool discovery? Who knew that earbuds were secretly metal detectors?

But Do They Have a Noise Canceling Feature?

Had we known that they can do such things, we would have used them waaaaay differently from the get go. Perhaps to look for gold?

Snow Day

From the trees to the chimney, the whole entire area looks like a Winter Wonderland. But it’s amazing that only the front part of the house is encased with the icy snow.

Snow Day

It almost looks like the Abominable Snowman tried to huff, puff, and blow this house down with his ice-cold breath! Thankfully the house seemed to be made of both sticks and bricks.

Lazy Susan, Refrigerator Edition

Did you know that something like this exist? A Lazy Susan, but refrigerator edition? This has got to be one of the most genius inventions ever created. Why is this not advertised more often?

Lazy Susan, Refrigerator Edition

Not only does it change your kitchen game by making it so much more convenient to reach things, but it also will help keep your fridge fresh from moldy foods, since you probably won’t forget about anything. Absolutely brilliant!

A New Meaning to “Shopping Period”

We’re not really sure what to think about the fact that this college used to be a mall, but it’s safe to say that it’s definitely pretty interesting!

A New Meaning to “Shopping Period”

Plus, how cool is it to have an escalator at your school? It’s not necessarily unheard of, but it’s a fun amenity to have on campus. We just hope the students don’t shop ‘til they drop out of school.

The Wonders of Greens

One of the most amazing natural wonders of the world is lighting and the different frequencies that causes color changes outside.

The Wonders of Greens

And while we’re used to the sunset’s lighting giving different colors like reds and oranges, apparently this tree is getting h!t with a green light, making it look like a big piece of broccoli. Either that or we’re in the terr!tory of the Jolly Green Giant.

Maybe Tax Ignorance is Bliss

Well, well, welfare. How great is to finally know where exactly your tax dollars are going? And in this case, it looks like this citizen’s tax went right back to helping out those in need in the community.

Maybe Tax Ignorance is Bliss

The only sad thing here is that it looks like somehow, the Australian government is in debt $32 million more than last year. Yikes!

You’ll Never Be Left With Leftover Screws Again

Have you ever tried to build something on your own, only to end up with spare bolts and screws? The sheer fear of not knowing if whatever you built will collapse at any moment because of that is just something that you can’t just shake off.

You’ll Never Be Left With Leftover Screws Again

Well, you can kiss those days goodbye because there are pre-packaged hardware set organized by steps like this one. Absolutely genius!

True Dental Care

Unless you’re working in the dental industry, a lot of the times, the ingred!ents list on the toothpaste just looks like an overwhelming mess of scientific words. But this toothpaste brand has taken things to the next level when it comes to the user experience.

True Dental Care

Not only do they explain exactly what each ingred!ent actually does, it states what material it comes from too.

A Cactus Within a Cactus

When you think about a toy inside of a toy, your mind probably jumps to thinking about a Jack-in-the-Box or a Russian Doll set. Right? But it looks like human toys aren’t the only ones that have the concept of toyception within them.

A Cactus Within a Cactus

Not only is there a cactus toy within this cactus dog chew toy, but the one inside actually has a sad face in it. Indicating that it’s sad that its outer toy has been ripped up and destroyed.

50 Shades of Window Panel

We’re not really sure how this is possible, but there is one explanation that might explain it. Maybe the reason why it looks like their backyard is spring, summer, fall, and winter all in one could be because each window panel is tinted different shades.

50 Shades of Window Panel

The only thing is that we’re not really sure why each panel would need to be a different shade in the first place.

Brits Just Love to Queue

Each country in the world has its own special cultural practices, and it’s pretty known that Americans and Brits are known to be polite. But the Brits have a level of politeness that might seem out of this world.

Brits Just Love to Queue

Even without any barriers to guide them on staying in straight lines, they manage to wait in line with no problems. Because after all, it would be rude not to. Right?

Debt for Life

This is one of the funniest things we’ve ever seen! How does a bank mess something like this up? We can understand them sending you a second debit card on accident… by 64 cards!? This is hysterically preposterous!

Debt for Life

Even if they sent them multiple cards because this person just keeps losing it every week, they still would end up having more than enough cards for the year.

A Rainbow Themed Stovetop

One of the most amazing and breathtaking things about our universe, is the fiery ball that keeps our planet lit and warm. That’s right, we’re talking about the sun.

A Rainbow Themed Stovetop

And when you mix the glorious sun’s light with water and glass, if it’s the right angle, you can get a rainbow. If this doesn’t make you want to get a fish tank in the kitchen, then we don’t know what will!

We Can’t Believe That’s Not a Boat

There are so many optical illusions around us, that sometimes you don’t even notice that it’s right under your nose! Just like this one right here.

We Can't Believe That's Not a Boat

So be honest. How many of you thought that this looks like a boat sailing along the water? How many of you noticed that this was a car? We can’t lie, at a quick glimpse, it really does look like a little boat!

A New Stealthy Security System

This situation right here is quite the oxymoron. On one hand it’s absolutely heartwarming to know that the State Library of Queensland is so caring about people’s items, and leaves a little warning on their personal belongings about the potential thievery.

A New Stealthy Security System

But on the other hand, if they’re going around and watching people leaving their items unattended, then wouldn’t they be able to catch someone trying to steal in the first place?

Double Vision

Before you go and think that she’s wearing some cool contact lenses, just wait! Some people have “heterochromia eyes”, which means that they have two different colored irises.

Double Vision

But it looks like this lucky and lovely-eyed citizen has two different colors in both of her irises. So, half of her eyes are a light blue while the other is an olive-green hazel. How cool is that?

What Type of Ride Do You Feel Like Today?

While the concept still might feel a bit new, share rides have been a part of our society for over a decade now. With this modern concept comes a modern form of management—good ratings, of course.

What Type of Ride Do You Feel Like Today?

Which means that drivers go above and beyond at the job, coming up with creative ways to keep their “customers” happy with their service. his driver definitely deserves 5-stars just for the hilarious creativity he put into this convo menu. Which one would you go for?

Secret Map or Corrosion?

If it wasn’t for the caption stating that this faucet’s surface wasn’t supposed to look like that, we would’ve thought that it was purposefully patterned like this. It really does look like it’s a map to some secret world or something like that!

Secret Map or Corrosion?

Corrosion doesn’t normally look all that pretty but at least the metal is corroding in a really interesting way. Almost makes you want to keep it, right?

Smells Like Dog Spirit

There are just some things in life that you can’t sum up in a bunch of words because they’re precious in ways that are hard to comprehend. Just like this adorable little, wet snout print that was left behind on this dog owner’s sheets completely by accident!

Smells Like Dog Spirit

Not only does the nose print looks like a cool design, but look at how perfectly symmetrical each side is. Too cute!

Oh, Deer!

There’s nothing like taking a quick picture of something simple, only to realize that it’s so much more than what you expected. Just like this photo right here of the bonfire flaming deer. Talk about perfect timing!

Oh, Deer!

It’s the perfect combination of majestic and eerie, which pretty much captures the essence of what camping really is all about anyway, if you think about it.

Struck by Lightning

Watching a lightning storm from your bedroom window is a marvelous thing all on its own. It’s a breathtaking mixture of action in nature and a little bit of fear and danger. But how often do you actually get to see the results of a lightning strike?

Struck by Lightning

This is some photographic proof right here of exactly what it looks like. How wild and frightening all at the same time!

Walking on Channel 9

Did you know that something like this exist? The bottom of these snazzy shoes were made to look like as a remote control. What a unique set of kicks!

Walking on Channel 9

Actually, many different companies like to sneak in these fun little tread designs in their shoes. Who knows? Maybe you own a pair who had a cool design like this! What can we say? It’s the little things that count.

Wonders of Mother Nature

Mother nature is as mysterious and is beautiful, but it’s not often that we’re left completely puzzled by it. While this photo looks like a breathtaking forest with tons of gorgeous greenery, it’s not that at all.

Wonders of Mother Nature

Upon closer look, it’s actually a puddle! Can you believe it? We still trying to get over how trippy this optical illusion is.

What Type of Pizza is That?

You know how they say that no matter what state pizza is in, you can still enjoy it? Pipin’ hot from the oven, cold leftovers from the night before, doesn’t matter! Pizza is pizza. That is, except for when you overcook for hours and hours.

What Type of Pizza is That?

How does someone just forget about pizza for literally nine hours straight? Did he not smell it? Did the house not start to smoke up? A true wonder…

Chillin’ Like a Villain

From both angles, this orange kitty literally looks like a live-action version of Garfield the cat! How funny is that?

Chillin’ Like a Villain

Look at this fierce and focused feline, just poppin’ a squat in front of the aquarium, plotting the day away about how he can get inside the tank and under the warm heating lamp.

Not So Precious

The dentist can be a pretty scary place for people to be at to begin with, but when you add up art like this, we can really understand people who are afraid to walk through the doors.

Not So Precious

It’s sweet that the office wanted to post up something that’s popular and relevant to today’s culture, but slapping a pair of beautiful teeth onto Gollum from Lord of the Rings makes him even creepier than before, somehow, someway.

When Christmas Meets Easter

These are ice eggs—bear with us. We’re not scientists or meteorologists, but George Goodfellow is, and he has an explanation for what this phenomenon is!

When Christmas Meets Easter

Image via @rismatti/Instagram

“They can grow when sea water freezes on to their surfaces and this also helps to make them smoother. So, the result is a ball of smooth ice which can then get deposited on to a beach, either blown there or getting left there when the tide goes out,” shared Goodfellow, one of BBC’s weather experts.

Keep Your Power Tools Away From Children

Wow! This is definitely quite a terr!fying and tr*umatic situation, but for some reason, we also can’t help but laugh a little.

Keep Your Power Tools Away From Children

This poor child thinks that there are a bunch of bod!es inside this construction-sized garbage dump, but it’s clearly just a bunch of mannequins, poorly arranged at the top. But the fact that they conjugated “to see” in past tense as “sawed”, just makes it that much funnier.

Whaled It

Imagine this. You’re getting ready for the day, you throw your breakfast dishes in the dishwasher, grab your keys, and head to the garage.

Whaled It

As soon as the garage door opens and you start reversing out of the driveway, you suddenly see a ginormous whale hanging out on the lawn. Surely, you’d let out either a grumpy wale before you start to chuckle at how ridiculous this is. Talk about the ultimate prank! It’s safe to say these neighbors nailed it—or shall we say, whaled it.


What looks like tiny aliens from War of the Worlds or something like that, is actually a species that was found right here on our beautiful planet Earth.


Say hello to the fossils (or modeled fossils) of the Jimbacrinus Crinoid, a five-armed sea creature that roamed the waters of Australia. It’s amazing what wild life and adventures go on below the surface.

It’s Alive!

We’re not sure if we should be in absolute disgust or in total awe about what’s going on right here. On one hand, it’s pretty nasty that someone would just forget about their bag of potatoes and let it grow all over the kitchen walls. But on the other hand, look at how beautifully this precious plant is vining out.

It's Alive!

Either way, we’re not really sure how somebody let’s their veggies get this wild. That right there is just as interesting as the picture to be honest.

One Lucky D!e

If this doesn’t make you gush in cuteness, we don’t know what will! Look at how adorable this rock cube looks. We’re actually surprised that it’s the only one that’s pa!nted like a d!e.

One Lucky D!e

There are so many other cube-shaped rocks all around, whoever pa!nted the first one could’ve at least pa!nted one more to make a pair of dice. Oh well, looks like this one just got lucky.

Happy As a Duck in Arizona

For many people, when they picture ducks, they normally imagine them swimming around a pond or lake. So, it can definitely force you to do a double-take if you’ve never seen a duck at the beach.

Happy As a Duck in Arizona

But regardless of that, this sea duck right here looks pretty silly! He’s not even sitting in the water; he’s literally just standing at the shore like a person. A weird occurrence indeed.

Dr. Dolittle

We all know that veterinarians and animal surgeons exist. But seeing is way different than knowing. And even beyond that basic thought, it’s hard to imagine what it’s like to operate on a really big and potentially dangerous animal, like say, a primate, right?

Dr. Dolittle

So if you’ve ever wondered what operating on a 400+ pound gorilla is like, well then here is your answer!

Road 9 ¾

Can you imagine how strong this storm must’ve been to have literally moved the whole entire section of this asphalt road? Something just doesn’t add up.

Road 9 ¾

But maybe what changed the path of the road was a special force not from this world. And its purpose is to direct cars to enter a new magical world. Sort of like Platform 9 ¾ in Harry Potter.

Dracula’s Dinner Menu

If you’re not familiar with this, then it might seem like it’s from the future. Because the letters on the poles are A-, AB-, B0, 0-, B+, 0+, and AB+, you can probably guess that it has to do with blo0d type. So, what exactly is this device?

Dracula’s Dinner Menu

It’s an indicator that shows how much of a certain blo0d type this blo0d bank has. How cool is that?

A People Watcher’s Ultimate Dream

This truly is the ultimate seating choice for people watchers. How cute is it that you have the option to decide which direction to look at while you’re enjoying your day at the port?

A People Watcher’s Ultimate Dream

This has got to be one of the most ingenious inventions out there, and we’re not sure why benches with reversible backs are not placed in more cities. The concept is so simple, but what a luxury!

Equestrians in the Sky

This right here might not be all that special to someone who works with horses all the time. But for those of you who aren’t modern day cowboys or cowgirls, then this is a pretty cool sight to see!

Equestrians in the Sky

Horses on a plane—only they probably aren’t poisonous or out to hurt anyone. In fact, you can even see that there’s a staff member there to make sure all is well. The Samuel L. Jackson of the crew.

Playing with the Big Dogs

It’s always important to celebrate and commemorate your milestones and achievements—even if they’re something as ridiculous, hilarious, and/or unfortunate as this dog park record.

Playing with the Big Dogs

Who knew that a record like this even existed? What a wild world we live in. And even though we don’t want to know if this record was intentionally set or not, we’re just going to tip our hats for the achievement and leave it at that.

The Path Lightly Traveled

We wish that this was a live-action Mario Kart’s Rainbow Road, but alas, it’s not. Don’t worry though, it’s still pretty cool!

The Path Lightly Traveled

This is what it looks like to see the path of light frequencies of an airplane taking off from the ground all the way up into the air. Long-exposure photographs will never cease to amaze and enlighten us—no pun intended.

Such a Snowflake

In general, snow is pretty cool. Each snowflake has its own individual pattern that’s unique and beautiful in its own way. However, when its clumped together, sometimes we forget just how special it is.

Such a Snowflake

But this picture right here of the melted snow-tree, is another reminder of how winter weather can actually be something to cherish. What can we say? Snow is one of the best things to sculpt beautiful art with!

The Glass Half Full

There is so much to the story here than just an ordinary break room. It looks like this office got a brand-new water cooler, and has covered the old one up to be taken away for good.

The Glass Half Full

However, the Optimistic Oliver of the office decided to make this sad situation into a happy one, by claiming that the two water jugs are tying the knot. How cute is that?

Double the Trouble

This is definitely one of those pictures that make you do a double-take. What looks like a special set of Siamese doggie twins seems to just be two precious pooches who decided to snuggle up together when they greeted their neighbored at the door.

Double the Trouble

Honestly, either way, the whole thing is pretty adorable! How can you not be excited to come home to work to these this?

Anyone Here From Australia?

This definitely says a lot about the people who come from all around to visit museums. The majority of them traveled from either North America, Europe, or Southeast Asia, which is pretty cool. But what about the rest of the world?

Anyone Here From Australia?

In any case, we’re more curious about how often the staff takes down the pins to make room for others. Or maybe they don’t at all!


Well, is there really anything more that needs to be said here? This is definitely some thinking outside of the box—or should we say, soundboard.


Everything about this beautiful piece of artwork is absolutely stunning, and we want to get ourselves one of these immediately! We’re also in awe at how a piano seems to be sitting on the wall so freely. That is some good workmanship right there.

Expl0sion of Flavor

Who says that food can’t be art? Look at this masterpiece right here. It’s all about perspective. Not only does this head of cauliflower looks oh-so-delicious with its golden, seasoned, crispy exterior, but it also looks like it’s a huge smoke bomb.

Expl0sion of Flavor

Talk about a literal and figurative expl0sion of flavor! It’s making our mouths water in ways that we don’t even understand.

The Cat’s Out of the Bag

We can’t lie to you all. When we first glanced up at our screens and saw this picture, we definitely had to do a double take. It’s amazing how similar to a cat this brown plastic bag looks like!

The Cat’s Out of the Bag

It’s even got a cute little cat ear and whiskers if you look closely. We are at a complete loss for words about this odd phenomenon.

Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls

You remember what they’re always telling us, right? You shouldn’t go chasing waterfalls. And this is one right here is one of them! As beautiful as it is, we don’t recommend anyone going near staircases that are being flushed with water.

Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls

With that said… looks like nature is back at it again, showering us with some wondrous beauty that we never would’ve expected!

There’s a M0nster in the Truck

Do you see the Cookie M0nster in the picture? We did at first, too. How funny! What can we say? who doesn’t love natural optical illusions? After all, beauty and art like this is all about perspective.

There’s a M0nster in the Truck

And this person’s perspective right here is absolutely hilarious and we’re just gobbling it all up! Sort of like Cookie M0nster and his mounds of chocolate chip cookies.

Life Always Finds a Way

Time and time again, Mother Nature finds a way to remind us of how cool she truly is and the amazing life that she can create all on her own. Just like right here, and this bottle filled with a mini eco-system inside of it.

Life Always Finds a Way

If there’s anything we’ve learned from wonders like these, it’s that at the end of the day, life always finds a way.

Seasonal Honey

Are you more of a spring or an autumn person? Either way, there’s a type of honey that’s probably more suitable for you that you didn’t even know about. Look at this beautiful spectrum of honey made during different seasons of the year. How cool!

Seasonal Honey

And if you’re wondering why the winter honey is missing, it’s probably because the sweet and busy little bees were hibernating.

The Apple Falls a Little Too Far from the Tree

If you take a close look, then you’ll see something that’s completely jaw-dropping in ways you never would’ve expected. This is yet another magnificent marvel of nature—an awe-inspiring arbor that seems to be two different types of trees.

The Apple Falls a Little Too Far from the Tree

Do we have an explanation? Nope. Does it matter? Nope! Just take in this phenomenon and soak up all of its green and purple leafed glory.

Bring the House Down

Well, it looks like we figured out the real place where Salvador Dali got his inspiration when it comes to all of his world-famous melting clock pa!ntings. Doesn’t this look like a live-action version of one of those pa!ntings? How funny!

Bring the House Down

With that said, there’s something so beautiful, emotional, and interesting about this fallen clock that brought the wall down along with it.

Magic Mushroom

You know how sometimes you look at something and you’re just 100% sure you know what it is? Well, if you thought, like us, that this is some kind of expansive cheese, you’re definitely wrong because this is none other than one giant mushroom!

Magic Mushroom

Just think of the possibilities and everything that can be done with it. If you ever find anything like that, we recommend making sure it’s safe to eat and won’t mess with your head or stomach.

A Rainbow Nimbus

We aren’t scientists and have no idea how something like this is possible, but miracles happen all the time. It looks like there is some type of magical unicorn rainbow cloud, just peering out of the blue sky. Maybe this is the cloud that will make it rain cuddly cats and dogs.

A Rainbow Nimbus

It’s either that or some cool flying saucer that’s radiating majestic rainbow colors as a force field.

Welcome to the Grebeci Bar

Don’t ask us how it’s possible, but this right here is a picture of an iceberg flipped upside down. How surreal is that? Looks like the ocean water did wonders to the iceberg’s exterior! It looks as smooth and slick as a penguin!

Welcome to the Grebeci Bar

And yes, those are adorable little penguins just exploring around and partying at the hottest venue in the area.

Writing Utensils for Days

Look at these wonderfully colorful walls. The thing is, they’re not exactly walls, they’re actually a bunch of different types of pencils.

Writing Utensils for Days

According to Reddit user, Kevin_0019, this is a pencil shop in Iran. The shop holds thousands of pencils but apparently, only the owner knows how to find a specific one. There’s no doubt that if you wanted to stop by the shop to buy something, he could pencil you in, no problem.

You Can Look, But Don’t You Touch

Forget skipping down a yellow-bricked road, we want to adventure and journey down this rainbow glazed street! But in actuality, it’s probably not a good idea, too.

You Can Look, But Don’t You Touch

According to a Reddit user, “the sun h!t this freshly-paved tarmac just right and made a real-life Rainbow Road through polarized lenses,” meaning that the last thing you want to do is touch this road. But what a sight to see!

A Heart-Warming Wake-Up Call

As much as we’d love to say that this bird is enjoying a nice wake and bake and is the Snoop Dog of birds, that’s not what’s going on here—we can’t deny that it would be pretty interesting if it was.

A Heart-Warming Wake-Up Call

Image via Kathrin Swoboda Photography/Facebook

So what’s actually happening here? Well, you know how when it’s super cold, you can see your breath as you exhale? This is what it looks like when a bird’s chirping is warmer than the air around it.

A Bag of Beau-T-ful Science

Science is full of all sorts of amazing discoveries, especially when it comes to the advancement of medicine and treatment therapies.

A Bag of Beau-T-ful Science

According to reddit user sarahjewel this is quite a prideful moment! “Here are my removed & genetically modified white blo0d cells, about to be put back in to hopefully cure my c*ncer! This is t-cell immunotherapy!” she shared in her post. How fascinating!

One of the Tallest Statues in the World

Don’t worry, you are not seeing ghosts in the sky. This right here is a Japanese statue known as Sendai Tendou Byakue Daikannon, one of the tallest sculptures in the whole world. It represents one of the Buddhist goddesses of Mercy and Compassion.

One of the Tallest Statues in the World

It’s safe to say that her highness is hard to miss, considering she is easily over 300 feet tall!

We send our condolences and prayers to the family of the legendary actress Sharon Stone in light of their awful loss.

Dirty Dancing star Jennifer Grey opens up about the accident that changed her life and forced her to turn her back on Hollywood