
4th Grader Invents Device So Parents Won’t Forget Their Baby In the Car

If you have ever spent time with children, you know that they think much differently than adults.

They see the world in a unique and special way. With their imaginations, they create stories and games and sometimes may invent something incredibly useful.

Sophie Rapson is in fourth grade. She had to invent something for the “Invention Convention” at her school.

The only guidelines for the project were to make something that has never been made before.

Sophie had an idea and with just a few thing and a little help from her mom she made something that could save lives!

She created a device that will help parents from forgetting their children in the car, and she calls it the “Baby-forget-me-not”!

In the video below you will meet Sophie, and she will explain how her invention works.

I’m sure you were impressed that this fourth grader designed something so practical all on her own!

Share away, people!

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