Taking pictures is such a common thing to do today. It’s almost impossible to believe in a world where nobody is taking pictures with their phones or brand new cameras all the time. It’s so easy and such a natural thing to do, that we don’t really notice what’s so special about it anymore. Because, after all, it’s kind of magic: when you hear that click, time stops for a little while, and you preserve that moment forever. Well, sometimes it happens that the special moment that you captured has something a bit… off, something that needs explaining.
Gain Tip found all those special moments that were captured around the world without thinking and that resulted in something so strange. Take a look at these pictures and see if you can figure out for yourself what’s going on there.
1. “Took a picture of my garden and accidentally turned the concrete wall into a lake.”
© Shad0w-Galaxy / Reddit
2. “Eat your vegetables or you may shrink!”
© Simpsont07 / Reddit
3. “Headless penguin”
© rovan1emi / Reddit
4. “Ginormous dog bed in the back yard???”
© bing_bang_blau / Reddit
5. “As I leave my office at night, the full-length painting next to my door reflects in the window of the office across the way and startles me. Every. Time.”
© tesla-allis / Reddit
6. “You can’t swim here.”
© ROOTBEER360 / Reddit
7. “She’s got ‘leg’… and she knows how to use it!”
© ilovelifting55 / Reddit
8. “This double-mouthed horse I met.”
© MickTheAnt / Reddit
9. “Just another selfie with a floating top.”
© hooman_not_ru**** / Reddit
10. “My cat appears to be headless.”
© Birdjag / Reddit
11. “This buff dog-man”
© phenomenal11 / Reddit
12. “Giant parrot attacking horses”
© ChickN-Stu / Reddit
13. “Some very big cats”
© Casimir0325 / Reddit
14. “Where did her arm go?”
© Mr_squeedly_spooch / Reddit
15. “Have you ever tried to look at your hand with all your fingers aligned behind your thumb?”
© UNICORN20000 / Reddit
16. “This man looks photoshopped, is he?”
© latte_v**it / Reddit
17. “Walking a headless dog”
© baddiewinkle / Reddit
18. “Too many hands”
© hkzqgfswavvukwsw / Reddit
19. “Floating donkey head”
© Longshore*** / Reddit
Have you ever taken a strange picture like the ones we included in our article? Share it with us in the comments! If we have enough pics from you, we’ll write a new article with our readers’ pics only and your picture might be in it!