
If Your Man Has These 15 Habits, You Shouldn’t Marry Him!

Love is blind, indeed! and marriage is the destination of love. You can’t think of anything else when you are in love, it doesn’t matter if you are madly in love with someone but if a man has these habits, it will be a horrible experience for the both of you!

Too Focused On Work.
Too Focused On Work.

If you marry a man who gives more importance to his work, it will boil the blood in you while he’s more focused on his work and have no time for you.
The Clingy One.
The Clingy One.

If your better half is too clingy, DO NOT MARRY HIM. A clingy person will be very annoying because you won’t be able to get your personal space and you will be stuck around with them. Unless you want a gummy bear, plus, husband! Go ahead with your blind love.

Disrespectful, Abusive And Heartless.
Disrespectful, Abusive And Heartless.

If your man thinks of himself as the upper-hand in the relationship, don’t even think about the marriage! If he is a cold blooded man who abuses you frequently and even beats you up, stay away from him. Self respect is above all. Do not stick around the people who disrespect you!
The Smoker.
 The Smoker.

It isn’t cool, to smoke. Health comes first in a relationship. If your better half is smoking even you are passively smoking! It is not only bad for him but also you!

The Narcissist.
The Narcissist.

If your better half is a self obsessed creature, he won’t give you any attention. Narcissus was a person in Greek Mythology, who fell in love with his beauty and he couldn’t even leave his reflection behind, he then tried to snatch it and drowned in water.

Tell your narcissist man that he is not perfect for the marriage.
Keeps grudges.
Keeps grudges.

If your man keeps bringing up your old arguments hes isn’t worth marrying. He’ll be nagging the same old shit again and again!
The one who doesn’t keep promises.
The one who doesn't keep promises.

The one who often breaks promises doesn’t care about anyone’s emotions, and this might lead you people into a very complicated relationship!
The cheater.
The cheater.

The one who has cheated his partner before is likely to cheat again, and in marriage forgiveness will only complicate things.
The conservative one.
The conservative one.

The one with a orthodox mentality, doesn’t fit in this era and the narrow- mindedness will not only trouble you but it will also ruin your relationships with others.

The Immature one.
The Immature one.

If your man is immature and can’t make decisions, he is likely to be like a grown up kid you have to look after. You need a partner with you not a kid for you to look after.

Immature guys never become good husbands.
Not Serious.
Not Serious.

If your man doesn’t take your relationship seriously, run for your freedom. Why are you in a relationship with him anyway.

If you get married you will only be heartbroken because he won’t can leave you anytime.
Not a animal lover/ not likes animals at all.
Not a animal lover/ not likes animals at all.

If your man hates animals it means that he is a heartless person. Hating animals is a brutal thing.
The dependent one.
The dependent one.

It will only be regretful for you once you get married to a guy who is dependent on you and the one you have to take care of.

He will load all the work on you and this will only stress you and make you the man of the house.

Try to encourage him to do something or leave him for your own good.
The one who makes excuses.
The one who makes excuses.

If your guy justifies everything, then you will soon have trust issues over his excuse making skills will drown your relationship.
The ignorant one.
The ignorant one.

If your guy is ignorant towards your opinions and thinking, he will cut you mid sentences or whenever you are conversing with him and you will eventually lose your voice in your relationship.

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