Everyone talks about how special motherhood is, and the bond shared with a child is unlike any other, it’s a magical journey that is both rewarding and fulfilling, and I couldn’t agree more. I perfectly love being a mom, it’s the best job in the world. I am a mom of two boys and love them to pieces, but motherhood is not always all rainbows and butterflies.
Motherhood is not remembering what it’s like to get a full night’s sleep, wiping more poop than you ever thought you’d see in your life. Motherhood is no longer having privacy, never pee-pee or showering in peace. Motherhood is using your shirt to wipe runny noses and dirty faces. Motherhood is learning how to do everything with one hand while carrying a baby in another. Motherhood is waking up with a little b*tt or foot in your face. Motherhood is bre*stfeeding whenever wherever. Motherhood is yoga gasps and bad hair day. Motherhood is no longer shopping alone. Motherhood is having a filthy car all the time. Motherhood is not being able to call in sick because it’s a 24/7 job without a paycheck and the listing goes on. But in the end, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Being a mama means being completely and totally overwhelmed by love, elation, responsibility, and selflessness.
With the help of my mommy friends, I made this little project just in time for Mother’s day, to remind everyone what motherhood really looks like.