
‘Little People, Big World’ Star Amy Roloff Marries Chris Marek In Traditional Ceremony

It’s official — Amy Roloff from Little People, Big World is married! The star got hitched to Chris Marek on August 28, and it was a great day to celebrate.

This is Amy’s second marriage. She was married to Matthew Roloff for 27 years before eventually calling it quits. After a marriage that long, she might have assumed the single life was the best choice. However, she met Chris shortly after her divorce was finalized and realized love could bloom once again.

Matt and Amy share four children together, meaning that Chris is officially a stepdad. After so much time together, the split between Matt and Amy wasn’t easy.

“This is hard,” Amy had mentioned on the series, per In Touch Weekly. “Life happens sometimes, and we don’t plan for that to happen to us. It’s just what is happening to us right now.”

Entertainment Tonight reports that the farm wedding had 146 guests present, including Amy’s children and grandchildren.

Amy was looking forward to the big day. Not only did she vow to give this relationship her everything, but she posted pictures on Instagram prior to the big event.

“I’m so thrilled and excited to be his wife,” she wrote in the caption. She wasn’t the only one looking forward to the big event. Her kids also supported the union.

As Amy told People, planning the wedding was harder than she realized. And it was made more difficult by the amount of restrictions and cancellations that many 2020 and 2021 brides can attest to.

“[It was challenging] planning a traditional wedding and all that typically goes into that, to what we want to have at our wedding,” she said. “Sometimes it felt like the two clashed at times for me. But in the end, it’s about the two of us — Chris and I. It’s about combining our two lives together into one and sharing it with our family and friends.”

Watch the video to see Amy’s dress and to learn more about the big day.

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