Bu|lying in schools is an issue that affects one in five children. These numbers are dev*stating and speak volumes about the failure to educate our children to treat others with respect. It consists of certain hurtful behaviors directed towards one person which are repeated over and over again. Bu|lying comes in the form of constant teasing, spreading rumors about the v!ctim, at*acking by h!tting or ye|ling, and more.
The v!ctims of bu|lying are affected to the extent that it leaves mark in their life years after the at*acks take place. It undermines their self-confidence and they may starts seeing themselves as less worth than the rest of the peers.
Some of the consequences of bu|lying that the person affected experiences are the following: social isolation, sleeping problems, depre$sion, anx!ety, psych0somatic symptoms such as headaches and stomachaches, poor school performance, and in a worst case scenario, even su!cide.
Even though we can experience this type of behavior at any stage of our life, when we are older we find ways to cope with it, but kids and students are more vulnerable and unable to find a way out.
Sofia Golledge is only six years old, and she has experienced the dev*stating effects of being a v!ctim of bu|lying. This young girl developed severe anx!ety, and her mother Carrie shares her story.
Powerful Low Key Shot of a Sad Young Blonde Child
Every day of Sophia’s life was a struggle. She would spend hours crying and gathering strength to return to school the following day.
“Things were so bad by the end of the summer term that Sophia was out of school for a couple of weeks because her s!ckness was so severe — she would be up all night and vomiting 20 times an hour,” the mother told The Mirror.
Ultimately, Sophia’s entire body gave up — all because of her classmates’ constant bu|lying and hara$sment.
“She’d be in so much pa!n and because her upset stomach was so vi0lent, it would lead to a water !nfection and her body struggled,” the mom added. “We’ve had her in hospital with high fevers which they’ve struggled to control.”
The bu|ly was Sophia’s “best friend” who would tell her what to do, when and what to eat, and who to talk to. She was so manipulative that the whole thing was stre$sing Sophia so much that her body and brain were about to become para|yzed and she became ap*thetic.
Carrie posted the story along with a picture of her daughter feeling exhausted in the hospital bed.
Facebook/Carrie Golledge
“This is what bu|lying does…
This is my 6 year old daughter, hospitalised, due to bu|lying…
This is my child with such a caring heart that despite being so ill “doesn’t want anyone to get in trouble”…
This is my child who has stopped eating, has cried herself to sleep, had anx!ety so severe she’s up sick over 20 times in an hour through the night…This is my child whose ‘best friend’ has emotionally abu$ed her for so long she thought it was normal…
This is my child who has been in and out of hospital for countless trips due to being so s!ck with anx!ety…
This is my child who was told off for ‘telling tales at school’…
This is my child who has been mocked on social media by the bu|lies parents for just having such a pure heart…
This is my child who when addressing the issues with her school we were told “Its just 6 year olds being 6 year olds”…
This is my child who was told by the school she should be the one feeling ash*med and be snuck in a side door of a morning…
This is my child who her school failed her so badly that we had to move her schools…
This is my child who is one of too many that are going through this…
This is my child whose story is being twisted and manipulated by the very people that were meant to protect her at her school when she was in their care…
This is my child who doesn’t want this to happen to anyone else. So this is my child’s story we are sharing but she is one of many….too many!
Please help us share her story. Lets show her the support her school couldn’t afford her.”
Apparently, the parents took Sophia to another school where she found new friends. She is now much happier and healthier. However, the problem with bu|lying has to be addressed by every single school, because moving from one school to another is not a permanent solution.