A perfectionist in my cringed over all the images!
The Billboard
Whoever did this must be in a hurry!
Summed Up The Industry Trend
Where are the wheels?
Are you scaring off your would-be customers already?
I don’t anyone would STOP looking at that!
Really? You Think That?
Ironical much?
I would cry for 2 days if that happened with me
When life gets out of luck!
When you don’t know what you want!
Cheerios with Green Bean
I am feeling pukish already!
You had ONE job!
Scary Pancake
Pecans with pancakes?
Well. Speechless!
This is why you should never judge a Stormtrooper by their cover. This guy probably confused a lot of people.
You did that?
You should just leave the planet!
What’s happening there?
What Can I Say?
Kenzie is going to lose her mind when she realizes that only do apples come in green, but in yellow as well.
Binbows? Why Not!
If you buy a computer from Michaelsoft Binbows, don’t be surprised when it binblows up.
What’s that about now?
What happened to the second window?