
Video: A Smart Girl Built An Electric Fan Guard Snake Trap To Catch Huge Snakes

One smart girl built an amazing, ingenious snake trap.

Caught a huge snake

A girl built an awesome, ingenious snake trap and managed to catch a big snake with it!

There are more than 3,000 species of snakes in the world and there is at least one type of snake on every continent except Antarctica, according to Live Science.

Snakes as pets

The snake has a bad rap as a pest, snakes can often be quite helpful and even a fun pet but it’s still better to stay safe than having a snake as a pet!

Snakes are carnivores. This means that they only eat meat. Snakes are often seen as pests, but they actually can help keep pests at bay by eating rodents.




Many have a misconception that snakes kill their prey by biting it and injecting the prey with poison. However, this isn’t true.

Cobras, vipers and other related species are the only snakes that use venom to hunt.



Cobra Strangles!

Most snakes simply swallow their prey whole. Large snakes, such as the python, will strangle their prey to death and then swallow it whole. This is scarier. Ever wondered what will you do in your defense when a cobra strangles you?

Snakes are known to eat animals

Snakes have been known to eat animals such as crocodiles and cows and can eat other animals 75 to 100 percent bigger than their own size. To fit the large prey into their mouth, the snake’s jaw will unhinge.

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