
2 Questions That Can Be Answered Only by a Schizophrenic or a Genius

It is practically impossible to tell a normal person from a schizophrenic by their appearance. Many psychiatric tests and methods are used in order to find out what is going on in the patient’s head and determine whether he or she needs help.

Bright Side prepared for you 2 simple questions that can be answered only by a schizophrenic or by an extraordinary genius personality.

Important: In order to get precise results, answer the questions in accordance with your feelings. Try to concentrate on what you see, not what it should look like. Now, look at the images attentively, and answer the questions.

1. Is the mask convex on one side or two?

2 Questions That Can Be Answered Only by a Schizophrenic or a Genius



2. Is the mask rotating in one direction or in two?

2 Questions That Can Be Answered Only by a Schizophrenic or a Genius




2 Questions That Can Be Answered Only by a Schizophrenic or a Genius

1. The mask is convex only on one side.

2. The mask is rotating in the right direction.

Who are you? Crazy or genius?

If you answered both questions wrong, do not worry: you are a completely healthy person. If one of the answers was obvious to you, it is time to get a friend that is a psychiatrist.

The truth is that the brain of a healthy person tends toward self-deceit. It takes into account artificial forms and extra shadows, “correcting” the picture. We swallow the hook of the illusion, no matter if we want to or not.

Schizophrenics do not have this imagination. Their brains cannot establish the connection between the details. They see the mask just as it really is. For them, the mask is concave and rotates in one direction.

What difference does genius make? Schizophrenia and genius are not that different. But still, it is possible to distinguish between them. Genius personalities possess both types of thinking: that of a healthy person as well as the schizophrenic one, and they are able to switch between the types of thinking. They see the illusion just the way a normal person sees it, but they also see the catch immediately. If they want to, their brain may stop perceiving the deceit.

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