
This Picture Of Girls In Bikinis Has Gone Viral For The Craziest Reason Ever! Do You See It?

This snap of girls shopping in their bikinis has sent the internet into meltdown since it was uploaded to image-sharing site Imgur.

At first glance there doesn’t seem to be anything strange about the photo, simply showing some women buying some beachside refreshments at a newsagents.

But an eagle-eyed stranger spotted something unusual about one woman’s skimpy outfit and the post racked up more than 575,000 views in just a few days.

*** There’s something very strange about this bikini body – can you see it yet? ***

Viral images that broke the internet

Can you see why the image has gone viral?

If you take a closer look you’ll see the blonde woman is sporting an odd fashion accessory – an ankle monitor.

Imgur user JarJarDrinks shared the image with the sarcastic caption: “Nothing makes a fashion statement at the beach like a court-ordered drug testing ankle monitor.”

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VIRAL: The woman was spotted sporting an ankle monitor (Image: IMGUR)
Some people found the post hilarious, but others were quick to defend the woman being publicly shamed for style sin.

“It’s actually quite nice that despite having made mistake and getting punished that person is trying to enjoy the summer,” commented Imgur user Kraken928.

While internet fan Mlife added: “Nothing shows class like taking a picture of strangers in bikinis and posting it online.”

Harleyquinn30 wrote: “So she can’t go swimming for six months because it’s unsightly? She has to wear pants 24/7? Let’s be reasonable.”

BIZARRE: Can you spot anything odd about this picture? (Image: WITTYFEED.COM)
But this isn’t the first swimwear snap to gain popularity. A group shot of friends posing in their two-pieces left people in stitches as they spotted something unexpected lurking in the sunny holiday photo.

It may look like an innocent image of a girls holiday, but there’s something off about the “woman” in the pink spotty bikini.

The fourth person from the left is actually a man in skimpy swimwear.

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